Natural Bomb to Boost Immunity Against Viruses and Bacteria

This drink made with beets and carrots is a tasty and efficient approach to strengthen your immune system. This colourful beverage, which is loaded with vitamins, antioxidants, and vital minerals, can fortify your defences against germs and viruses. Discover how to prepare this all-natural immune booster and its many advantages.


  1. 1 medium beetroot
  2. 2 large carrots
  3. 1 apple (optional, for added sweetness)
  4. 1-inch piece of fresh ginger
  5. Juice of 1 lemon
  6. 1 cup of water

Step-by-Step Recipe:

1. Prepare the Ingredients

Wash the ginger, beetroot, carrots, and apple (if using) well beforehand. Cut the carrots and beetroot into little pieces after peeling them. Add the chopped ginger and peel it.
2. Mix the Components

Add the chopped apple, ginger, carrots, and beetroot to a blender. Pour in one cup of water and one lemon’s juice. Process till smooth.

3. Pass the Juice Through a Strainer

To have a smoother drink, you may remove the pulp from the juice by straining it through cheesecloth or a fine mesh screen. This phase is discretionary and dependent on individual taste.

Present and Savour

To reap the most advantages, immediately pour the juice into a glass and sip. Drink this beverage once a day, especially in the morning, for optimal effects.

Why This Drink Works



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