2 ingredients will be enough to clean and make pans burned on the outside shine

Two ingredients are enough to clean and shine the bottom of pans that are burnt on the outside.

One of the most important problems in the kitchen is the formation of grease stains, scale and burns that form on the bottom of the pan. To remove stains and burns from dishes and pans, using the dishwasher is often used, but it is not always the truly effective solution.
To remove scale, you need to rub and use two ingredients to remove accumulated dirt. These are the two ingredients to clean and shine pans that are burned on the outside.

Removing grease and burns from pans and pots: is the dishwasher really the best solution?

To eliminate grease deposits and burns on the bottom of pots and pans, it is good to use a natural and economical method . The oil used to cook and prepare first and second courses, as well as sauces and garnishes, tends to thicken and become encrusted. Often, for reasons of time, all the dishes and pots and pans are put in the dishwasher to eliminate all the scale and burns.

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