Create the Rice Balls: Take a little amount of the mixed rice and roll it into a ball using your hands or a mold designed for rice balls. To avoid the rice from sticking, you can moisten your hands slightly if you choose. Keep going until all the rice is rolled into balls.

Extra not included: To enhance the taste and aesthetics of these rice balls, you can encase them in a thin layer of nori seaweed. To make a tidy package, just lay a nori strip on a clean surface, center a rice ball in the middle, and fold the nori over it.

Savor the Delight: You may now eat your rice balls that you produced in the blender! Use them as a side dish, put them in a bento box for a quick lunch, or munch on them on their own.
Achieving Your Goals:

Have Fun Playing with Fillings: Fill your rice balls whatever you like—with umeboshi (pickled plum), nori (seasoned seaweed), cooked fish (salmon, tuna, etc.), or even a little wasabi for heat.

To avoid getting rice stuck to your hands while you shape the balls, moisten your hands with water or a little rice vinegar every so then.

If you have any extra rice balls, put them in an airtight container and refrigerate them for up to two days. Wrap each rice ball in plastic wrap separately to keep them fresh if you’re making them ahead of time.

Finally, a practical and tasty take on a traditional Japanese snack—rice balls prepared in a blender. You can make perfectly shaped rice balls that are both tasty and filling by using the power of your blender. These rice balls cooked in a blender will quickly become a favorite, whether you eat them as a snack or add them to a bigger dish.



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