Easy CrockpotRavioli LasagnaRecipe

Ingredients1 bag frozen

 cheese ravioli1/2 cup  Parmesan cheese, shredded2 cups mozzarella cheese, shredded1 jar (24 oz) of your favorite pastasauce1 lb ground beef, browned anddrained (use 2 Ibs for extrameatiness if desired)PreparationIn a large skillet, brown the groundbeef over medium heat. Drain anyexcess fat and set the beef aside.Lightly grease the bottom and sidesof your crockpot.Spread a thin layer of pasta sauce onthe bottom of the crockpot.Place a layer of frozen cheese ravioliOver the sauce.Sprinkle a portion of the brownedground beef over the ravioli.Add a layer of shredded Parmesanand moZzarella cheese on top of thebeef.Repeat the layerS-pasta sauce,ravioli, ground beef, and cheeses-until all ingredients are used, endingwith a final layer of cheese on top.Cover the crockpot with the lid andcook on low for 4-5 hours or on highfor 2-3 hours, until the ravioli istender and the cheese is melted andbubbly.Serve hot, garnished with additionalParmesan cheese or fresh herbs ifdesired.Servings: 6-8Enjoy!



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