Grandma’s Biscuits

For any remaining dough, simply reshape it into a rectangle and continue cutting out additional cookies. This approach maximizes dough usage and reduces waste.

Step 7

Afterward, arrange the cookies on a baking sheet, ensuring they touch each other. Bake in the oven for 10-15 minutes, or until they achieve a golden hue.
Tips for Perfecting Grandma’s Biscuits:

– Cold Ingredients: Use cold butter and buttermilk for flakiness and tenderness.

– Baking Sheet Trick: Arrange close for soft sides, spaced for crisp sides.

– Precise Preheat: Ensure accurate oven preheating to 425°F.

– Golden-Brown Finish: Bake until biscuits are golden on top.

Variations to Elevate Biscuits:

– Cheesy Twist: Mix in your favorite cheese.

– Sweet Touch: Include vanilla extract and sweet add-ins.

– Savory Boost: Try bacon, onions, or jalapeños.

– Buttermilk Sub: Use yogurt or plant-based milk with vinegar.

Have a good day!



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