I’m having a super hard time getting rid of orange spaghetti stains from plastic bowls. What does everyone use?

Who hasn’t faced the dreaded sight of orange stains in their favorite plastic bowls after enjoying a hearty spaghetti meal? These stubborn stains, primarily caused by the bright red pigments from tomatoes and certain spices, cling to plastic surfaces and refuse to yield to ordinary washing methods. Beyond being an eyesore, these stains can pose hygiene concerns as bacteria might harbor in the micro-scratches of plastic surfaces.
Concerned about removing these stubborn orange blemishes? You’re in the right place! This article lays out tested and effective methods to tackle those obstinate stains, ensuring your plastic ware returns to its pristine condition. Dive into the subsequent sections to unveil the secrets that will restore your bowls and save you from the hassle of possibly discarding your stained plasticware.
Effective Strategies to Remove Orange Spaghetti Stains
1. Bleach Soak Solution:
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