Never Throw Away Lemon Peels – This Is How To Use Them

Lemon peels are full of vitamin C and antioxidants, which are great for brightening and exfoliating your skin.

How to Use It:

  • Grate fresh lemon peel and mix it with sugar and olive oil to create a natural body scrub.
  • Gently rub the scrub on your skin to remove dead cells and reveal softer, glowing skin.

4. Freshen Your Refrigerator

Lemon peels are natural deodorizers and can absorb bad odors in your fridge.

How to Use It:

  • Place a few pieces of lemon peel in a small bowl and leave them in your refrigerator.
  • Replace them every few days to keep your fridge smelling fresh and clean.

5. Tea for Digestive Health

Lemon peels can also be steeped into a refreshing tea, which helps with digestion and boosts immunity.

How to Use It:

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