sugared donuts

Apart, in a bowl we are going to mix sugar and ground cinnamon, and reserve it.

After the rest time we are going to spread with the help of a rolling pin, and cut the donuts with an approximate thickness of 1 cm. We remove the centers. We are placing them on trays sprinkled with flour, we gather the leftovers and we extend them again to continue cutting more donuts.

We let them rest and double their volume, I have placed squares of baking paper on them to be able to handle them better when taking them to fry.

Before the end of the resting time, we bring a casserole with enough oil to the fire and let it heat to a medium temperature. When the donuts have doubled in size, we begin to place them one by one in the casserole with hot oil. With the help of some tongs or with sticks, turn it over and let it cook completely (remember if your oil is too hot, they will cook on the outside but they will remain raw on the inside). Remove and let the excess fat drain. Before they cool completely, cover them with the mixture of sugar and cinnamon and let them cool completely on a wire rack. With the rest of the dough that was left over I formed a small braid to take advantage of the dough



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