1. Peel and chop the pineapple into small pieces.  Cook with 12 cups of sugar if the pineapple is sweet or with 1 cup of sugar if the pineapple is sour.  Do not add water and cook over low heat, stirring, until completely combined.  This takes about 10 minutes.  Let it cool and then strain to eliminate the broth formed.  Discard the broth and reserve the cooked pineapple.

2. Melt the chocolate with the cream, add the vanilla essence.

3. Mix everything together and then add the reserved pineapple.  Freeze until consistent.

For coverage

1. Place the egg whites and sugar in a saucepan and bring to a boil over heat, stirring quickly.  Heat well, but do not let the egg whites cook.  Beat in an electric mixer with vanilla drops until consistent to work with a pastry bag.


1. Wait for the cake dough to cool and cut it into 2 halves.  Moisten each with a syrup of your choice (I moisten it with milk and sugar).  In the same form in which the cake was baked, place half of the dough.

2. Pour all the filling and cover with the other half.  Place in the refrigerator for approximately 4 hours to firm up.  Unmold and cover with the meringue.

3. Decorate to taste, and that’s it!



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