Unleash the Power of Banana Peels: A Simple Trick for a Better Home and Garden

Mix Ingredients: In a bowl, mix the vinegar and water. Add sugar and stir until it dissolves completely.

Assemble the Repellent: Pour the vinegar-sugar solution into one half of the bottle. Place the banana peel inside.

Set Up: The combination of the mixture’s smell and the sugar attracts and repels insects like flies and mosquitoes. Place the bottle in a corner of your house.

Maintenance: Replace the mixture and banana peel every two days for the best results.

This natural insect repellent is an excellent way to utilize banana peels, keeping bugs away from your living space. It’s an eco-friendly solution that not only reduces waste but also provides a safer alternative to chemical repellents. Try this simple trick and explore the multifaceted uses of banana peels in your home and garden!



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