Vegan cheesecake: the recipe for the lactose-free variant with berries

Step 5

Whip the cream firmly with the remaining icing sugar5.

Step 6

Incorporate the whipped cream into the prepared cream6, mixing briefly with the whisk at minimum speed.

Step 7

Pour the creamy mixture obtained on the biscuit base, level the surface well7and put in the fridge for at least 12 hours.

Step 8

Prepare the raspberry sauce: collect the fresh raspberries in a thick-bottomed saucepan with the sifted icing sugar and lemon juice8. Put it on a gentle flame and let it all simmer gently for a couple of minutes, stirring frequently.

Step 9

Sift the raspberry compote with a fine mesh sieve9, in order to obtain a smooth and velvety sauce, and let it cool in the fridge until serving.

Step 10

Once the rest time has elapsed, unmold the cheesecake onto a serving plate and pour the raspberry sauce onto the surface10.

Continued on next page



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