Discover 7 Foods Better to Eat Raw

Raw foodism is gaining more and more followers. Indeed, it is said that cooking or pasteurization often causes foods to lose some of their nutritional qualities.

Vegetables   are an essential food group in any balanced and healthy diet, as they provide a supply of  essential vitamins and minerals  for the body. There are many ways to prepare them: steamed, cooked, fried, breaded… Even if it is by consuming them raw that they will best retain their properties and benefits. We want to tell you  which vegetables to eat raw.


  • Yes, you can eat your beets raw. It will even be better for your health. Beets are high in fiber, folate (a form of vitamin B9), vitamin C and manganese, but they lose 25% of their folate and other vitamins and minerals when cooked, says Rebecca Park, a nurse. -york.
  • Try grating this root vegetable over your salads for a pop of color, or create your own raw beet salad with other raw vegetables or citrus fruits.


  • Broccoli is a food that is very rich in minerals such as potassium, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium. It also has a high content of C, vitamin K and folic acid. Broccoli is an ally against cancer, cardiovascular diseases and muscle cramps. It also has anti-inflammatory powers in our respiratory system.
  • To retain all its virtues, it is preferable to consume it raw or lightly cooked, because cooking causes it to lose most of its beneficial properties.


Rich in lycopene and vitamins, low in calories because they consist mainly of water, tomatoes are ideal for this summer heat. Offer colorful salads by mixing  old varieties  : green, purple, yellow tomatoes, etc. Combine them with  peppers , also raw, to preserve its richness in  vitamin C  – very fragile, it is  destroyed by heat .


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