Praline Poke Butter Cake with Butter Pecan Frosting was a surprise that started while visiting my dad in southern Arkansas one summer. This is a buttery pecan butter cake raised from a base of Betty Crocker butter pecan cake mix. what can i say We Southerners love everything with butter pecans!
Since this spot was posted years ago, this recipe has remained a star on Google and has been pinned over 300,000 times on Pinterest! He really is a keeper!
There are many things I always look forward to when I go out of town to visit my parents.
Magazine reading marathons with Southern Livings and Better Homes and Gardens for my mom (since I decided not to subscribe a few years ago).
1-Dad’s breakfast
2-Mom’s dinner
3-Chick deli chicken
The way my dad always suggests I cook something “sweet” (like we haven’t eaten our weight in home cooking, fried chicken, and spudnuts)
Um…if our tours seem to focus on food, that’s because they do.
On my last visit, when Dad hinted at something sweet, the delicious Pecan Butter Cake – Cake Mix Recipe – was born!
For Ingredients And Complete Cooking Instructions Please Head On keep on Reading (>)