DIY Pest Control: Create a Vinegar and Cloves Mixture to Banish Annoying Insects from Your Home

Step 2: Clove-Infused Vinegar:

Pour the white vinegar into a bowl.

Immerse the cloves in the vinegar.

Seal and let it mingle for a day or two, allowing the essence of cloves to permeate the vinegar.

Step 3: Prep for Application:

Filter out the cloves from the mixture using a strainer.

Transfer the clove-infused vinegar into your spray bottle.

Using Your Natural Repellent:

Against Flies & Mosquitoes: Mist around potential entryways – think windows and doors. Also, target frequent congregation zones like kitchens or alfresco dining spaces.

For Ants: Disrupt their pathways by spraying your mixture over trails or common ant haunts. Also, wiping down with this solution erases the pheromone trails they rely on.
Moth Management: Mist inside cupboards, wardrobes, or wherever you store fabric to keep moths from making a meal of them.

Staving Off Spiders: Target usual spider hangouts like crevices, corners, or near windows and doors.

Outdoors: As a perimeter defense, spritz on patio furniture or recreational areas to deter insects.

A Few Pro-Tips:

Prior to a full application, spot-test on surfaces to ensure no discoloration or damage.

Periodically reapply, especially post-cleaning or if insects seem undeterred.



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