How to make homemade Limoncello, easy and delicious!

Limoncello, that sweet and refreshing lemon liqueur that has conquered palates around the world, transports us directly to sunny Italy, where its origin is rooted in the traditions and customs of the Amalfi coast and the island of Capri.

This delicious drink, made with lemons and other simple ingredients, has managed to win the hearts of many thanks to its unique and refreshing flavor, ideal to enjoy on any occasion.

How to make homemade Limoncello
-7 large lemons
-1,350 kilograms of sugar
-1 liter of high-grade edible alcohol
-3 liters of water

Tools and Utensils:

-Glass container
-Wooden spatula
-Large container
-Kitchen strainer
-Stainless steel saucepan

Step 1: Preparing the Lemons
Before starting to make our Limoncello, it is essential to make sure that the lemons are well washed and free of any residue or dirt.
Use a sharp knife to remove the tips from the lemons and then cut them into thin slices. Remember that we will only use the lemon peel, so we must avoid the white part, as it can add a bitter flavor to the liquor.
Step 2: Maceration
Once we have prepared the lemon slices, we place them in a glass container along with the liter of edible alcohol.
We cover the container and let it rest in a cool, dark place for at least a week. This maceration stage is crucial for the liquor to acquire all the characteristic aroma and flavor of lemon.
Step 3: The Sugar Syrup
While we wait for the lemon to marinate in the alcohol, it is time to prepare the sugar syrup:

In a stainless steel saucepan, we heat the three liters of water and add the sugar.
We stir constantly until the sugar is completely dissolved, thus obtaining a delicious syrup that will sweeten our Limoncello.
Step 4: The Perfect Union
Once the week of maceration has passed, it is time to combine the alcohol with the sugar syrup.
We strain the lemon slices to separate them from the alcohol and then add the syrup to the mixture.
We stir with a wooden spatula to ensure a homogeneous distribution of the flavors.
Step 5: The Final Rest
Once we have combined the alcohol and syrup, we transfer our preparation to a large container and let it rest for at least two weeks in a cool, dark place.
During this time, our Limoncello will finish acquiring its unique flavor and will become an exquisite drink full of freshness and charm.
Step 6: Let’s try it!
Finally, after two weeks of waiting, our homemade Limoncello will be ready to delight us with its refreshing flavor full of nuances. We serve very cold in small glasses or glasses and toast to the Italian tradition that has given us this wonderful drink.
Continued on next page (page 2)



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