Paris-Brest: the French dessert recipe based on choux pastry

Add the butter and a pinch of salt10; once the butter has completely melted11, add the flour. Continue to cook, stirring often, until the batter has thickened12.

Transfer the dough to a bowl and let it cool13. In a separate container, break 4 eggs14and beat them vigorously with a whisk15.

Gradually pour the eggs into the flour and butter mixture previously set to cool16. With a dish licker mix the two compounds17and keep adding the eggs a little at a time18, taking care to mix between one addition and another.

The final consistency should be creamy, like a particularly thick custard19. With a pencil, draw a circle on a sheet of parchment paper, using a cake pan as a guide20. Insert the dough for the choux pastry into a sac à poche and draw the first circle, following the pencil line21.

Draw two more circles, one inside the previous one22and one superimposed on the previous two23. Brush the surface of the choux pastry with beaten egg24.

Sprinkle with flaked almonds25. Bake at 200°C for 15 minutes; then lower the temperature to 160 °C and cook for another 25 minutes. For the mousseline cream, whip the butter with an electric whisk until it becomes frothy26. Gradually add the previously prepared custard27.

Continue whipping the mixture28until butter and custard are completely blended29. Once the base has cooled, cut it in half30.

On the base31spread a first layer of mousseline cream, helping yourself with a sac à poche with a wide nozzle32; then spread a second layer, distributing it in an S shape on the first33.

Cover with the top layer of choux pastry34, sprinkle with icing sugar35and serve it, taking care to cut the slices delicately so as not to crush the cream36.

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