Quick and Delicious Homemade Cheese in 5 Minutes

Quick and Delicious Homemade Cheese in 5 Minutes

You can make your own creamy cheese in just 5 minutes, and it’s cheaper and more delicious!


1 liter of whole milk (4 cups)

3 tablespoons of white vinegar

20 grams of salted butter

Pour 1 liter of whole milk into a saucepan.

Add 3 tablespoons of white vinegar to the milk. You can also use lemon juice as a substitute.

Heat the milk on medium-low heat, stirring constantly. As it heats, you’ll notice it curdling.

When the curds and whey have separated completely, remove it from the heat. The curds will look like white solids, and the whey will be a yellowish liquid.

Place a cheesecloth or clean kitchen towel over a bowl or container to strain the cheese.

Carefully pour the curdled mixture onto the cloth, allowing the whey to drain out. You can save the whey for other uses.
Continued on next page (page 2)



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