Real Soda Soda: It Cleans Even Thoughts

  1. Wear protective gear, as caustic soda is a strong chemical. Follow the instructions on the package correctly.
  2. In a large bucket, pour the water and lye, then wait a few minutes for the lye to dissolve.
  3. Do this in a well-ventilated area and be very careful, as the fumes are toxic.
  4. Mix gently with a stick and, when everything is well dissolved, add the filtered used oil.
  5. Mix well for about 10 minutes.
  6. Add the dissolved washing powder and the neutral detergent, then mix everything until you obtain a homogeneous paste.
  7. Pour the contents of the bucket into a plastic container lined with a trash bag.
  8. Wait 12 hours for the soap to solidify.
  9. Cut the soap into bars of the size and shape you prefer, then let the soap bars sit for 1 week before using.
  10. Now you can use this real lye soap to wash dishes and clothes, and marvel at the results!
    Keep this tip in mind to make real soda soap that is extremely powerful for cleaning!



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