Say goodbye to flies, mosquitoes and cockroaches by boiling these leaves

Dealing with flies, mosquitoes, and the occasional cockroach in our homes can be a real nuisance. Their buzzing, bites, and potential to carry diseases make it essential to find ways to keep them at bay. What if there’s a natural and effective solution using common ingredients you might already have in your kitchen?

Ingredients You’ll Need:

Sugar (5 tablespoons)
Yeast (1 tablespoon)
Water (1 cup)
Bay Leaves (15 leaves)
Cloves (10 pieces)
A 2-liter plastic bottle
Regular shampoo (1/2 cup)
Vegetable oil (1/2 cup)
White vinegar (1/2 cup)
Here’s How to Create Your Own Insect Repellents:

Mosquito Trap:
Dissolve sugar in hot water.

Add yeast and mix thoroughly.

Cut the top off a 2-liter bottle and invert it into the bottom part.

Pour the sugar-yeast mixture into the bottle.

Place this trap in mosquito-prone areas.

Cockroach and Fly Repellent:

Boil bay leaves and cloves in water for 10 minutes.

Let the mixture cool, then transfer it to a spray bottle.

Use this spray in areas frequented by cockroaches and flies, like kitchens and bathrooms.

All-Purpose Repellent Spray:
Continued on next page (page 2)



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