Stove Top Meatloaf

Stove Top Meatloaf!


1 package Stove Top stuffing (use your favorite flavor, like chicken or herbed savory)

1 cup hot water

2 packages of brown gravy mix (one for the inside of the meatloaf and one for the top)

1.5 lbs ground beef

1 cup cold water

2 large eggs, beaten

In a medium bowl, add the Stove Top stuffing mix and 1 cup of hot water. Let the stuffing sit for a glorious 5 minutes, absorbing all the flavors.

Meanwhile, in another medium bowl, let’s prepare some gravy magic! Mix 1 package of brown gravy with 1 cup of cold water. Stir until it’s smooth and ready to enhance the meatloaf’s savory goodness.

Now, it’s time to combine the flavors! Add the ground beef and beaten eggs to the gravy mixture. Mix well, and don’t be shy to use your hands for this – it’s all part of the meatloaf-making adventure!

After the stuffing has soaked up all those delightful flavors for 5 minutes, stir it into the ground beef mixture. The marriage of textures and flavors begins!
Continued on next page (page 2)



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