Tangerine liqueur: the recipe to prepare mandarinetto at home




ALCOOL PUR À 95° 1 liter

CASCADE 1 liter

SUCRE 1 kg

The mandarine liqueur, également connue sous le nom de mandarinetto, is an exquisite liqueur d’agrumes, ideal for serving froide at the end of ‘a meal. An alternative preparation to the classic limoncello to offer, perhaps, with exquisite miniature pastries to delight your guests. The preparation is very simple: just marinate the untreated tangerine peels in pure alcohol, before adding the sugar syrup. Then everything will be filtered and left to rest for a month. But here you have all the steps to prepare an excellent mandarin liqueur to enjoy all year round.

How to prepare mandarin liqueur.
1.Wash the tangerines well and dry them with absorbent paper. Using a potato peeler, remove the skin

2. without touching the white part, which could give the liquor a bitter taste. Place the skins in an airtight glass jar and add the pure food alcohol. Close the jar and let it sit in a dry, dark place for a week: shake it occasionally. After the necessary time, put the sugar in a saucepan and add the water.

3. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly. Once it boils, continue cooking for another 3 minutes. Once ready, let the sugar syrup cool. Filter the alcohol through a fine sieve and add it to the sugar syrup. Mix well, transfer to glass bottles and cap. Let it rest for at least 1 month. Your mandarin liqueur is ready to serve
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