The effective method for preparing lemon water (which 99% of people get wrong)

Lemon is a fruit that has many medicinal properties beneficial to health.

It protects the heart: Thanks to its high vitamin C content, this citrus fruit is effective in reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke. A study found that regular consumption of fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C can effectively protect cardiovascular health.

It prevents kidney stones: Kidney stones can cause severe pain and interfere with the functioning of the kidneys. A scientific study has shown that consuming lemon could help prevent the formation of crystals in the kidneys thanks to its citric acid content, which increases urine volume and limits calcium accumutation.

It protects the digestive system: Lemon contains pectin, a soluble fiber which promotes intestinal transit and helps fight constipation. A study published in the journal Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics showed that consuming dietary fiber, such as pectin, can improve digestion by speeding the passage of food through the digestive system.

It helps in weight loss : The polyphenols found in lemon are antioxidants that can help prevent damage caused by free radicals. Studies have shown that these compounds can also help reduce fat accumulation and limit weight gain. Indeed, lemon has demonstrated in vivo its ability to reduce fat accumulation and limit weight gain.



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