Vegan Banana Cream Pie

Ripe banana: 1

Coconut whip:

Powder sugar organic: 3/5 tsp.

Vanilla extract: 1/2 tsp.

Cococnut cream: 14 oz.

For assembling:

Coconut cream: whipped.

Ripe banana: 2

Warm the microwave to 300 F.

Grease a regular pie plate or line a baking pan with a paper towel. Put aside.

In a high-speed blender, add the oats, almonds, glucose, and sea salt (as long as using), and process or pulse on high while a fine meal is achieved.

Hold the cover, then pour in one-fourth of a cup of heated coconut oil (or more if wanted) according to the original recipe.

To produce a loose dough, pulse or beat on low, scraping down the edges as necessary.
Continued on next page (page 3)



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