The Ultimate Easy Croissants Recipe

Indulge in the divine aroma of freshly baked croissants with our ultimate easy croissants recipe. Crafted to perfection, these flaky delights are bound to elevate your breakfast or brunch experience to new heights. Whether you’re a seasoned baker or a novice in the kitchen, this recipe guarantees success with every batch.

History of Croissants
Originating from Austria, the croissant has evolved into a beloved French pastry cherished worldwide. The name “croissant” is French for “crescent,” a nod to its distinctive shape. Legend has it that the croissant was inspired by the crescent moon, symbolizing the defeat of the Ottoman Empire during the Battle of Vienna in 1683. Over time, the croissant underwent various adaptations, becoming synonymous with French cuisine and earning its place as a staple breakfast item.
900 ml cake flour
25 ml baking powder
2 ml salt
1 ml cayenne pepper (optional for a subtle kick)
125 g butter
500 ml cheddar, grated
300 ml milk
1 egg yolk
Step-by-Step Instructions

1. Preparing the Dough
In a large mixing bowl, sift together the cake flour, baking powder, salt, and cayenne pepper.
Using your fingertips, rub in the butter until the mixture resembles coarse breadcrumbs.
Add the grated cheddar cheese to the dry ingredients, followed by the milk.
Knead the mixture until a stiff dough forms, ensuring that the cheese is evenly distributed.
2. Shaping the Croissants
Divide the dough into four equal portions.
On a floured surface, roll out each portion into a thin circle approximately 20 cm in diameter.
Using a sharp knife, cut each circle into eight equal wedges, resembling the spokes of a wheel.
Starting from the outer edge, roll up each wedge towards the center to create a crescent shape.
Curve the ends slightly to enhance the crescent shape.
Place the shaped croissants on a greased baking sheet, leaving ample space between each for rising.
3. Baking the Croissants
Preheat your oven to 200°C (390°F).
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