I save a whole lot of money by just cooking the apples. Well, it was my grandma’s style!

1 gallon of water that has been boiled or filtered

Boil one liter of water in a saucepan for thirty minutes to sterilize it.

Make sure to let it to air dry.

The first step is to boil one liter of water in a pot. Add the sugar to two glasses and stir to dissolve. Allow it to cool entirely.

Before chopping the apples, make sure they are completely dry.

After adding them to the container, stir in the boiling water and syrup. Make sure the fruit is well immersed in the liquid. Put an elastic band around it and wrap it with sterile gauze. Put a towel over it and keep it somewhere dark, cold, and dry.
Continued on next page (page 3)



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